

New Designers Hive : DesignCrowd

10:43 AM
The  Freelance  Marketplaces have  been  gaining  more  popularity as  compared other  local  Design marketplaces  . There  is  great  pool  of  talented  and  innovated  designers  all  over the  world  who are  constantly  in search of  Freelance  Projects to make  some  extra  dollars  from their  expertise in Design world. 

Most  of  the Freelance Designers are  connected  through  Freelance Design  Marketplaces  where  they  can  showcase  their  skills  and designs  and  win projects  as  Well . Today  , We are also going  to  review  such a Startup  Design  marketplace which has  gained  great  popularity  and  the  number of  design  projects  are  increasing day  by day and  more and more  Freelance Designers  are  attracted   to  this  awesome  Marketplace . We  are talking about none other than  DesignCrowd.com  .

Memberships and Costs:   The  membership  is  Free  for both  Buyers and  freelancer designers  worldwide  . However  , the designers  will have  to pay a  15% of  earned amount for  the  service  rendered  or their  submitted   designs  get selected  by  the  Project  posters  .  The  designers  can submit designs  more than  one so there is  always  a  chance  of  getting  noticed  and  selected  for  the  creative  ideas  .

Since  Designing is  all about  creativity  and  innovation. Therefore  Innovative  Designers  always  take  the  Freelance  Design marketplaces  by Storms  and  rock  the world  with  their  innovative  and creative  Ideas  . The  Buyers  are  required  Pay  $30 for posting  Contest project  at  design crowd whereas  they can post  Freelance Project for  Quotes  for  Free  . Means  the  Buyers   have to pay  when they  initiate  a  contest  .

Design Projects  :  The Buyers can post  many  Design  projects  such as  Logo Design  , Web Design  , Brochure  Design , Flyer Design  , Web Design , Poster Design  or  Graphic Design etc  and  browse  the  Designs  of  Hundreds  of  Freelancer Designers  around  the  world  and  can select  the  one  which appears to be  appealing and  attractive to the  Buyers  . 

Upside :  Over all the  Design Crowd  is  very  attractive  and  Excellent Freelance  Design marketplace  and  has  many  features  for  both  the  Buyers  and  Freelance Designers  to utilize  . 

Downside : The  Design Crowd has  high  Fees  and Commissions  rates  as  compared  to  its  Competitors  . They are  charging $30 from the Buyers to  start a  design contest  where as  Freelance  Designers are  charged  15%  of  their  Earned  amount which  is  really injustice  with Freelance  designers . Instead , they must revise  their  Commission  and  Fee  rates  for  more  attraction  and  can  increase  their  volume  of  Design Projects  as well  .

Future Trends : The  Designers  marketplace  Design Crowd  has  been growing rapidly and  it has  already  paid  out over million to  its  Freelance  Designers  and  the  count is  still is  on as  more  design Projects are  posted  each passing  and  more  Designers are heading their  way towards  Design Crowd  . 

Considering the  overwhelming growth  , it is  analyzed  that  the  sigh  will  accumulate  more revenues  and  more  designers  will  get registered  subject  to  consideration of  decrease  in fees for  both  Buyers and  Freelance Designers . As  there are  many  Marketplaces  which are completely free  and  where as  they are  charging  5%  to  10%  maximum from  the  designers  or  they have  membership option to  collect the  fees  only  once .   

AdvertiseSpace.com : Direct Ad Selling Made Easy

6:03 AM
Advertising has  been  the  oxygen  for  the  most of blogs  be  they  new  comers  or  established  ones . All the Bloggers  lookout for  cash  Rewards  to give  vent to their blogging  craze  . As  Information shared  by the  Bloggers  for  the readers  appeals  them  to pay frequent  visits to their  Blog sites  and  even  they  subscribe to the Latest   Blog  Posts  and  RSS  Feeds  . 

Most  of  the  Direct Ad  Selling Ad  sites  such as  BSA accepts  the  Blogs  with  high rank and  Visitors  base  that's  why  the  Blogs  with  Fewer  Visitors  besides  Appealing and  attractive  content looked  down upon  Blogs  . Thus  Disappointing the  New  Blogs  and  Bloggers  looking  to earn  some  revenue  from their  Blogging  Business  .  

Thanks  to  AdvertiseSpace.com which has really  solved  the  Problem  of  Selling  Ads  directly  from the  your  Blogs  . They  have  really  automated  System  to  run Ads  bought  by  the  Prospective  Advertisers  on your Blogs  .  Their  System  is  very  awesome  as  they  are  like  Ad  server  to manage  your  Ad  inventory  effectively  and  Ads  are  removed  when  their  period  is  over  .  

Acceptance: AdvertiseSpace  accepts  all  blogs  with  good  content  regardless  of  Alexa  Ranking or  Google  Page ranking  . They believe  in the  Quality  of  content  and  Frequently  updated  Blogs  .  They  have   manual  Blog  Approval system  so  when you submit  Blogs for  Approval  , they  are  approved  the  same  day  .  You  can sign  up as  publisher very easily  and  submit your  Blog  to  the  category relevant  to  your Blog. You are  at complete liberty  to manage and  add  as  many as  ten ad  slots  of  125x125  and  260x125 . As  currently  these  ad  sizes  are  available  .  In future  , more  slots will be  available  as  they  grow  up  .   

Payments : They  have  very flexible  and  automated  payment  service  . The  Bloggers  or  Publishers  are  paid  on weekly basis  when their  earnings  reach  25  Dollars  ,through  PayPal  . The  Advertiser  can buy  Ad Slots  by  PayPal  and  Credit Cards.  

Upside  : AdvertiseSpace  is  really effective  medium of  selling  Ads  on your  Blog Sites  with  guaranteed  Payments  to  your  PayPal  Account  .  Thus  giving you  complete  peace of  mind  . 

Downside :  AdvertiseSpace has  limited  Ad sizes  of 125x125  and  260 x 125  , they should  include  more ad slots  such  Bloggers  favourite  300x250 and  25x250  120 x 600 and  160 x 600 in order  to attract more   buyers  and  Publishers  to their  Advertising Marketplace  . Moreover  , AdvertiseSpace  must  include  other payment options  such as  Money Bookers  , wire Transfers , Payoneer  Debit card and  Checks  . 

Future Trend Analysis:  Keeping in View the  Current  growth rate  as  Ad marketplace  its is  predicted  that in future  it  will have  great  success  and  popularity  to its  credit  and  it  will  be  really  a  money stream  for  Bloggers  and  Publishers  worldwide  looking for  Making  some  money  from their  ad inventory . 

Gigswood.com :The Innovative Freelance Startup

11:00 AM
The  Freelance  Startups  are  making their  mark  upon the  economy  of  Freelancers and  have  been  helping  them  a lot  in bagging  huge  Projects  for  their  Revenue  .  There are  mostly  freelance  Marketplaces  which either  have  bidding  system  or application system . No site  has  any system  to offer  services  at any given amount . 

That is  why  there was  need  of  such a  Marketplace  in which  Freelancers  can  offer  their  certain smaller  services  on  certain amounts  . This  is  really  an innovative  and  creative  approach  to attract  more  buyers  for  the  services  Offered  .  

so we  are  sharing  such  a  killer startups which has  great  potential  to be  successful  Startup  Company in Freelance  Business  Services. We  are  talking  about  none  other than  Gigswood.com  .  From its  name  , it is  clear  that  it is  all about the  gigs to showcase  their  offerings  for  doing certain tasks  .  

Gigswood.com is  an excellent marketplace  for  the  Freelancers  in which  very cheap and  economical  fees are  charged  to do  certain  projects  for  Buyers  . Mostly  the  Fees  are fixed  as   $4   ,  $9  and $19 dollars  for  great  work  .  The  Freelancers  can  post unlimited  offering  for  his  expertise  and  the  buyers  interested  in their  services  can  order  them  directly  .  

Membership and  Payments  :  The  membership  for  both  Freelancers  and  the  Buyers  is  free  on Gigswood  however  the  freelancers  has  to pay  a  percentage  of  jobs  done  to the  gigswood . The  Gigswood  accepts  payments through  Credit card  and  PayPal . Similarly  ,the  sellers  get  their  money  through  PayPal as  well  . 

Upside :  The  Gigswood  has  great  platform to succeed  as  Freelance  marketplace  in the  future  as  it has    very reasonable  fees  and  every freelancer  can afford  very easily  . 

Downside :  It has  limited  payment options  that is  why  it  is  very difficult for  those  who have  no access  to PayPal  or  those  freelancers  whose  countries  are  not supported  by PayPal. 

Future Trends:  In future  , Gigswood  will  be  very  successful  marketplace  for  the  Freelancers  as  it is unique  Freelance  Marketplace  which  provides  the  golden opportunity to the  Freelancers  or  so called  Seller  to showcase  and  offer  their  services  on their  premium marketplace  . 

Task Army : Freelance Marketplace Review

3:56 AM
Freelancing  has  been  the  million dollar  business  and  everyday more and more  Companies  are  seen  investing  in this  sector . The  Freelancers  and   the  buyers  connected  through  the  Freelance  platforms worldwide  without  distinction. The  Freelance Marketplaces  are  very easy  and  bring millions  of  dollars  in  revenue  for  both  Freelancers and  the  marketplace operators  .  

 They  provide  great  services  for  security  and  smooth  delivery  of  quality  work  as  desired  and  sought by  the  Buyers . So today  we  are  once again reviewing  a new  but simple  Freelance  Marketplace   TaskArmy.com 

TaskArmy is  great  Freelance  Marketplace  and  having very  simple  navigation but  the  site  is  really  appealing  for  average  Freelance  making  his  way  to access  its  Project  Base  . The  TaskArmy has  great database  of  multiple  categories  Projects  from writing and Translation , Web Design and development  and  other  such related  Assignments  offering  reasonable  amount to  undertake these  projects . 

Membership :  TaskyArmy  has  very simple  gateway  for  getting registered  for both  Freelancers  and  the  prospective  Buyers  to their  Freelance  Marketplace  . Both Freelancers and  the buyers  could  connect  or sign in with their Facebook  login  which  makes it very  simple  and effective  and  complete  peace of  mind  . You save  enough time  in  entering the  basic  information data in the  Fields  .  Alternatively , you can register  by entering  email   and  password  if  you have  any reservation to use  Facebook Login with Task Army . The  buyers  have to pay 20% to TaskArmy  when the  service  is  delivered  . 

Payments  and Withdrawls :  The  Buyers can deposit  money  through valid  PayPal  account or  Credit card  whereas  the  Freelancers  can  withdraw money  by  PayPal account  . So it is  mandatory for  the  freelancers  to have  PayPal account  to offer services  on TaskArmy . 

Upside :  The  TaskArmy  Marketplace  is  very simple  and  easy to navigate and  browse  through  the  Projects  on the  database  .  They  have very simple  transaction gateway.  

Downside :  The  Category feature  is  missing on TaskArmy and  Portfolio service is  also needed  besides  having  multiple  payments  and withdrawl  services  such  MoneyBookers  , wire Transfer  and Payoneer  Debit Card services  . 

Future Trend :  As  Analyzed  from the  growth  of  TaskArmy  , it could  be  predicted  that  the company's  sales  will  increase  in future  provided  that  new  features  and  functions  added  to the  Website  to make  it   more  useful  for  the  Freelance  Professionals  . 

GetaElance.com : New Outsourcing Business Hub

7:38 AM
Freelance  Jobs  are  very  charming  fro  many  who  are  looking for  constant  income  in this  busy  age  when people  are  being subjected  to  financial  constraints  and  the  companies  have  stopped  new  hiring  even they  have been planning  to  downsizing the  workforce  working in their  company  . 

In this  serious  and  critical juncture  , the  freelance  jobs have  rally rescued  many  professional  from  starvation and  make  their  honest  living  by working  from home  .  Work  from home  has been  convenient  way  to  bag  some  extra  perks  while  using  internet  on your  computers  .  No  boss's  angry looks  will bother you  and  you can  work  with your  style  and  complete peace of mind   .  Today  , the  freelance  Startup  which  we  are  going to  review  , that  is  GetaElance.com  .

GetaElance.com is  great  simple  freelance   marketplace  having  rapid  growth  trend  since  its  luanch . It has  really  attracted  many freelancers  and  prospective  Buyers  from  all corners  due  its  simple  and  easy  features which ease  in business  connections  and  get  the  tasks  done at  the  right  time  .It is  an Indian  Freelance  Marketplace  as  IT  in Banglore  is like  silicon valley of  California  .

Membership:  The  GetaElance.com is  Free  for  both Freelancers  and  Buyers to register  on their  site  . The  Buyers  can post  projects  for  free  and  The  Freelance  Professional can bid  on the  projects  for Free  .

Projects  :  The GetaElance  has  great  volume of  projects  in  Writing  , programming  Designing  and  Multimedia  , Finance  and  Management and  several  other  categories  available  to post the  Projects  or  bid  on  the  projects .

Deposits  and  withdrawls :  The  Buyers  can deposit  money  through  check , wire transfer  , Paypal  and  similarly the  Freelance  Professionals  get  paid  by PayPal  and  wire Transfer  . But they  have  the plans  to  bring  more  deposit  and  payment  option  in near  future  .

Upside  : The  GetaElance  is  very simple  Freelance  Marketplace  and  very  straightforward  rules  of  business  therefore  , it is  easy to understand  and  do  buiness  on its  easy  Freelance  Platform . 

Downside :  The  GetaElance  has  limited  deposit and  transaction options  which  need  to be  improved  for  the  convenience  of  the  Freelance  Professionals  and Specially for  Buyers  . The  Design of  website  needs  to be  improved  in order  to attract more  buyers  and Freelancers  . 

Future Trend : The  growing volume  of  GetAElance  shows  that  it  will  be  very successful  Outsourcing Marketplace  unlike  its  competitors  .

Spudaroo.com : Freelancing Made Simple

4:29 AM
The freelance work and freelance Projects have helped millions of freelancers all over the world and everyday millions of Freelancers head towards Freelance marketplaces to bag some freelance work and make their living . At first Freelancing was a part time jobs but now a days it has become the regular business for the many freelancers who are always hunting for Freelance Jobs .

The Freelance jobs have been oxygen fro the freelance Professionals as they make their living on these assignments since Hiring process has been banned by big companies in such scenario , Freelance Jobs seems to have no stop whatsoever . The prospective Buyers from all over the world search freelance Profiles on Freelance marketplaces and get their tasks done with ease and perfection .

Today we are also going to share with you yet an other Freelance startup which has great potential to be counted in few successful Freelance Startups . we are talking about Spudaroo.com . The Spudaroo is very funny name but its database for Freelance jobs is very attractive and impressive . The Spudaroo works on simple navigation and having great features to help both freelancers and buyers .

Membership: It is easy for both buyers and Freelancers to register at Spudaroo Freelance Marketplace and it hardly take minute to sign up as freelancer or buyer . It has very fields to be filled and that is it .

Projects : Spudaroo.com has huge collection of mostly writing projects which include Resumes , CVs , Cover letters , Newsletters , content , article and other writing related Projects for the prospective Freelancers to choose from . The Projects are also highly paid so the freelancers has great opportunity to bag top budgeted Projects .

Payments : The payments are very simple and the buyers can pay through simply by Credit Card where as the Freelancers can withdraw money from their account through Escrow . The Spudaroo has very simple payment gateway .

Pros : The Spudaroo is very simple site having great categories for writing assignments . The Registration process is also very simple and easy for both the Freelancers and the employers .

Cons : Spudaroo has limited projects and the payment option are also limited which may cause some confusion between the Buyers and Freelancers. The need to improve the navigation as well.

Future Trends : Spudaroo has great potential to be successful outsourcing company in future as it has all the features for any successful business should be . The Spudaroo is also progressing very well .The need to market their company through advertising .

Ad4Game .com : The Great Game Ad Network

6:43 AM

The  Advertising  now  a days  has  become the  biggest  Marketing  tool  for  the  new  websites  and  blogs . Everyday  , thousands  of  Blogs  , forums and  Websites  use  various  CPM , CPC  and  CPA  Ad Networks to  monetize  their  inventory  . The most  trafficked  websites  has the  lion’s  share  from advertising  Revenues  as  the  term  says  more  views  means  more  revenue  .

Thus  the websites  having  100000 to  1000000  Pages  views  or  unique  visitors  always  make  the  most  of  Inventory  .  Earlier  , There were  only  multiple  purpose  Ad  Networks  to market  the  new  Startups  but  there were  very  few  website  available  for  marketing  Games either     offline  Games  or  Online  games  .  But  the  Ad  Network  Ad4Game  has  really  changed  the  Scenario  of  Game  oriented  Ads  . This  Ad Network  Specializes  in  Games  Ads  only  that is  why  it has  been  given  the  warm welcome  by  game sites as  well  as  content  rich  sites  such as  Bukisa  and  Associated  Content  .

Ad Types :  The  Ad4Game  offers both  CPC  and  CPM  based  ads  for  the  sites  in order  to  make  more revenue  from  game  ads  and increase  the  power  of  earning  from their  Inventory  or  Hot Spots  of  their  websites . 

Ad Quality :  The  Ad4Game  has  the  biggest  base  of  Advertisers  and  they  have  the most  fill rate  with  quality  ads  so  you  may not  worry  for  the  Empty  spots  .  Your earning meter will not stop even a minute.

Payments :  The  payments  are  sent through  Checks  and  Pay pal  so  you  should  not  worry  about the  payments  as your  earnings  will  in your  account  .

Pros : The  Ad4Game  has  been  very  effective  for large  content  driven  websites  and  blogs  specially  game  sites  for  delivering quality   ads  to  the  perfection.  The Ad quality is stunning and will put you in imagination.

Cons :  The  Ad4Game  has  highest  limit  for  the  publishers  to be  accepted  in the  network  .  The  sites  should  have  minimum   10000 to  50000 thousands  Impression  per  day   to  be  eligible  for  publisher  accounts.
Future Trends  :  The Ad4Game has  great  Successful future as  it  has  really  jolted  ad  industry  with  its  rapid  growth  and more  growth  is  imminent  .
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